The image below was made on 5-6 May 2010 with my SBIG STL-4020, Astronomik LRGB filters and a Canon 300 mm EF L 1:4 IS objective. The lens was mounted on the camera with Gerd Neumann's adapter for Canon EF lenses on SBIG STL camera's. Camera and lens where mounted on an Astrophysics Mach 1GTO mount. The lens is not perfect, it would maybe be better stopped down to f/5.6, but I'm pleased with the image.
The image was taken from my home, each filter was exposed for 30 minutes with 5 minute sub-exposures. The images were reduced, aligned and combined in CCDSoft, then further image processing was in Photoshop. Below is the image at 50% size, for the full size version, click here.
Imaged on 05 Jan 2000 with ST7 and FFC 190/200/760. 2 images of each 10 minutes added.